How to install latest Skype version and like softwares for Ubuntu 14.04 and 15.04

How to install latest Skype version for Ubuntu 14.04 and 15.04

Installing softwares on ubuntu, most of the times (especially those ones that are not in the software center, the apt-repos ) becomes a matter. lol...

well, installing skype for me was not really easy, as it made me waste my data downloading skype debian packages ( which was for ubuntu 12 and below versions), and i'm stritly advising against that.

 1.  Steps to install Skype:Enable the cannonical patners (search for software & updates via your search by simply pressing the windows on pc, and typing "software & update", click on it ---> other softwares tab ---> enable cannonical patners. That's all, a sample is shown below:

2. Open your terminal; on your keyboard, press ( alt + ctrl + t).

3. type "sudo apt-get update"

4. then " sudo apt-get install skype" or optionally "sudo apt-get install  " sudo apt-get install skype skype-bin" (to also install skype-bin).

5. if it prompt any  errors for dependencies, simply type in "sudo apt-get -F install", so as to install all the dependencies needed for skype installation.

6. repeat step 4 again.

Installing most other softwares that are not in the Ubuntu software centres
  1. enable the cannonical patners
  2. open the terminal
  3. add the "ppa" of software to your system software center, by typing the command "sudo add-apt ppa_name" (****note that you have to search for the ppa_nameof the file online***).
  4. then type "sudo apt-get update".
  5. then, "sudo apt-get install software-or-package_name"
  6. THAT's All 

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How to install latest Skype version and like softwares for Ubuntu 14.04 and 15.04 How to install latest Skype version and like softwares for Ubuntu 14.04 and 15.04 Reviewed by Unknown on 18:37 Rating: 5

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